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Mentor Interview

What made you want me to come in and help teach your class?

I chose you as my assistant for this class because i know that these girls already look up to you and respect you as a person so I knew having you come in and help would be the perfect fit.

What made you first want to dance as little kid?

As every parent does, my mom put me in ballet as a little girl and i fell in love, never wanted to go home after practice and danced at home every night to make sure i had the dance perfect.

What made you want to become a dance teacher?

I fell in love with dance when i was little and when it came time to graduate, I knew that i was not ready to give it up. I knew I wanted to share my choreography with others and watch grow as a both dancer and people.

How does it make you feel that tap is becoming less and less of a popular style of dance?

It makes me sad, tap is what I have always loved and what i love to teach. at our studio we are strong in tap and that’s exactly how i like it. I don’t want tap to slowly start going away, I want tap to become the most popular style of dance out there.

How excited are you for this upcoming 2018-2019 competition season?

I am beyond excited. I have worked on these dances for months on end and i am ready to see them performed on stage in front of the judges and see how well they do.

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